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Success for our 75 year-old Tattenhall Veteran!

7th May 2019 @ 6:06am – by London Marathon
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You will remember that we wrote of David Bish's last Marathon attempt at the age of 75 CLICK HERE!

Well, David is now back from last month's London Marathon having successfully completed the event in 4 hours 46 minutes and 55 seconds; comfortably beating his times of the last 2 years!

David was in reflective mood and admitted that this was '... the closing of a very successful chapter in his life having competed in multiple marathon and half marathon races ...'

He went on to say that '...he thoroughly enjoyed the London event, albeit that he had to slow down and both walk and jog from the 17 mile mark and admits to having suffered some back pain ...'. (who wouldn't we shout)!

He finished 17th out of the 52 competing runners in the 75-79 age bracket – our warmest CONGRATULATIONS to him.

The total raised so far from very generous sponsors is just over £500, all of which will be added to the Tattenhall District Poppy Appeal.

David's page is still open if you wish to contribute to this veteran's accomplishments (click link here)

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