Help keep our community safe -- a message from Tattenhall Park Primary
Tattenhall Park Primary has announced a phased return to school for students, beginning 8 June with Year 6 and Year 1.
This is contingent upon government advice and all 5 tests being met.
Additionally, Reception students would return 15 June and Nursery would reopen 22 June, again contingent upon government advice and testing being available.
With the imminent reopening of school to the larger community, it is more important than ever that children and parents maintain social distancing as advised by healthcare professionals, scientists and the UK government. In addition to not visiting other people's homes, this means:
* Staying 2 metres apart at all times
* Not sharing toys of any kind, including ride-on toys and sports equipment
* Not sharing drinks or snacks
We ask that ALL villagers support teaching staff in this challenging operational phase. Many of the staff at Tattenhall Park Primary come from other communities and we must do everything possible to ensure their safety and to protect the operational plans the school has put in place. Any flouting of the measures outside of school simply put that at risk. We all want our school back to normal, and staff are doing their very best to see that it does so successfully.
After many weeks of social distance and isolation, it is HARD to maintain vigilance, but we want to see the children back at school. We've missed them! We are absolutely committed to keeping your children and the staff safe and well, but we can't do that without your help.
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