In previous articles we promised that we would alert residents to details regarding the WainHomes Application for 30 dwellings north of Greenlands and covering a significant section of field from the Keys Brook, adjacent to Tattenhall Road and, in fact, almost up to Greaves Cottage.
All the documents in relation to this proposed development are now on the CWaC Portal (Planning Application 13/01329/OUT).
The deadline for comments is Wednesday 27 September but may be changed to Sunday, 1 October.
On studying the illustrative layout, the proposed development covers almost the same amount of land as the original application albeit that this original application was to include 137 units – 10 dwellings are shown as affordable dwellings (and these are all parallel to Tattenhall Road), whilst the remainder of the proposed development is shown as sizeable detached private houses.
There will be concern my many in the community that this development would create a suburban-style estate and would significantly erode the gap between Tattenhall and Newton, contrary to the Tattenhall and District Neighbourhood Plan (NP). If could also set a precedent for further developments along other gateways into our village.
Importantly too, it represents an incursion into open countryside and the proposed development would be established on what is a greenfield site. At best this could be considered to be a 'bolt-on' development.
For information, there are 13 years of the current planning period remaining, during which time the minimum new dwellings target is planned to be met and, indeed, exceeded through appropriate and agreed development. With the possible exception of the affordable dwellings, this scheme (as described in the Application) is unlikely to meet local housing needs as required by the NP.
At the Public Inquiry, the Inspector was unable to carry out the appropriate planning balance of the adverse impacts v benefits of the previous WainHomes Ashley Wall proposal, having been persuaded (incorrectly) by the QC for the developers, that CWAC did not have the necessary five-year housing land supply (HLS).
On review, the Secretary of State then judged there was an adequate HLS and that the consequent damage to both the visual perception of landscape and the environment outweighed the benefits of proposed affordable dwellings and the possible boost to the local economy. Interestingly, this was in accord with the original view of the CWAC Strategic Planning Committee.
It will be regarded as disappointing by many within the village that a further application for this site has been submitted following the Secretary of State's comments, and an application which appears to contravene many provisions of both the Local Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan.
Should you wish to send comments by paper or electronically to the CWaC Case Officer, Ms Bethany Brown, then the deadline is 27th September 2017.
Her email address is:
Her new postal address is:
Ms Bethany Brown,
Development Management,
Planning Service,
4 Civic Way,
Ellesmere Port CH65 0BE.
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