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A Perfect Combination! 'Health and Well Being' all under one Roof

1st August 2018 @ 6:06am – by Lynn Owen & Jill Raine
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Two very successful Tattenhall business women, Jill Raine from The Studio and Lynn Owen from Tattenhall Clinic, are teaming up to offer the very best in the 'Health and Well Being' profession locally.

Lynn Owen will be moving her business to 'The Studio' from September.

As well as offering Pilates, Nia Dancing and the Alexander Technique, 'The Studio' will also be offering Yoga, Acupuncture and Massage and Hypno Birthing.

This sees a very professional team, now offering a seamless package.

Importantly, the combination of the businesses using The Studio's purpose-built, spacious premises can only be a win-win situation for everyone – a supportive team, all working under the one roof.

The Studio will now offer:

  • Pilates – Yoga – Nia – Alexander Technique – Acupuncture – Massage – Hypno Birthing
  • For new Classes starting in August and September, look at the website for more details CLICK HERE

Or, for more information, contact us below:

  • Pilates, Nia Dancing and Alexander Technique contact Jill Raine: 01829 771895
  • Yoga, Acupuncture and Massage contact Lynn Owen: 0787 037 3545

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