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The People's Voice – Patient Participation Group (PPG) Update

26th November 2018 @ 6:06am – by PPG
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The AGM of your PPG was held last week and the following individuals were unanimously elected:

  • Clare Marsh – Chair
  • Nigel Mitton – Vice Chair
  • Mags Roseblade – Secretary

Members of the public who were in attendance had nothing but praise for the achievements of the PPG over the last 12 months – we thank you for your support and encouragement.

Not only is your PPG the 'critical friend' to the Village Surgeries Group, but it has promoted better channels of communication with the Practice, whilst ensuring that your concerns are addressed and acted upon where possible.

You will have received a copy of our most recent PPG Newsletter (tucked within the December issue of the Parish News Magazine) and, we are sure you will agree, the issues that have been addressed are impressive to say the least.

We are now working hard to draw up our 2019 Action Plan which we will circulate in the New Year.

In the meantime ....


  • If you failed to have your flu vaccination, then there is still time to protect yourself. Please contact the surgery at your earliest convenience (01829 771588). The uptake at the Tattenhall and Farndon drop-in surgeries was superb – 'thank you' to everyone for your patience at both surgeries.


  • Many of you are now registered to use our online facility for making appointments and/or re-ordering repeat prescriptions.
  • Between 8.00-9.00am, the surgeries receive very high numbers of calls for urgent and acute problems.
  • If your call is for a non-urgent or acute problem, or you are simply telephoning to cancel a future appointment, please make that call after 9.00am when non-urgent appointments can be made for up to 2 weeks in advance.
  • Please also note that there is no obligation for you to give any information about your problem to the reception staff, However, they do have a complete overview of all doctor and nurse availability. A brief indication of your problem, therefore, really does help them to signpost you in the right direction.


  • Last month's missed appointment figure of 148 was a disappointment – please let the Practice know if you are unable to attend so that your slot can be re-allocated to someone who might need to see one of the practitioners.

On behalf of your PPG, may we wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year.

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