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The Only Cure for Litter is Us! Tattenhall is Blighted by Litter!

10th November 2020 @ 6:06am – by 2 Tattenhall Residents
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Two residents who regularly litter-pick are so irritated with the volume of litter that is thoughtlessly discarded in the village, that they embarked upon organising a 'Week-Long Litter-Pick' throughout Tattenhall.

A stellar group of residents agreed to pick litter in their residential areas of the village and for that we 'thank you'.

The results of this co-ordinated effort are plain to see in the photograph to the right.

The full bags of litter have now been displayed on the Millfield so that residents can see the scale of the problem – THIS IS JUST 1 WEEK'S LITTER!

It is bewildering that individuals think it is acceptable to simply drop litter in the village.

The waste bags are fastened for safety but the contents beggar belief – discarded Covid masks in abundance, so many empty alcohol bottles and beer cans that one would think that Tattenhall has an inherent alcohol problem, sweet wrappers and more sweet wrappers, used wet wipes, plastic rings that hold multiple cans together, crisp packets, paper plates, soft drinks cans, discarded Sainsbury's collectible lego cards, empty cigarette packs, dog ends, bagged dog poo, condoms, fish and chip and other fast-food packaging ... the list goes on.

Tattenhall is blighted by litter – it is quite simply everywhere.

  • Dropping litter spoils our environment
  • Dropping litter can be a danger to animals

THE ONLY CURE FOR LITTER IS US – Take litter home with you and please dispose of it safely.

For information CWaC has kindly agreed to dispose of the rubbish at the end of the week.

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