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November Parish Council Update

8th November 2017 @ 6:06am – by Parish Council
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An update of the November meeting of the Tattenhall Parish Council ...

The Open Forum proved to be a lively session:

  • Our Community Police were in attendance and it was agreed that, in future, their monthly report will be item No. 1 on each Agenda. A report was given on incidents within Tattenhall and its immediate district which, in the last 30 days, had suffered 74 low-level incidents. One incident, however, involved the theft of quad bikes from a farm in the locality and in the context of agricultural theft, the advice was to be vigilant. Anti-social behaviour, an increased amount of graffiti within the village and the use of an unlocked communal shed were also raised. The advice from our Community Officers was that 'Tattenhallers' must be encouraged to report everything so as to provide sound evidence upon which to act. Future 'surgeries' will be held within the village and our Homewatch Co-ordinator will publish details regarding these in due course. A vote of thanks for the support of Bolesworth Estate in ensuring that the Community Police return to Dragon Hall was recorded. Operation Shield was also raised and our Ward Councillor offered to set aside £1000 of monies from his budget for use in this respect.
  • Matthew Morris, Estate Manager, at Bolesworth wished it to go on record, and in context, why the Vendor in relation to 'Pizza-Gate' had been denied permission to operate on Bolesworth land within the village. Whilst one might support the entrepreneurial spirit of the individual, the Estate considered that it was at variance with those businesses that it continues to support in terms of the sustainability and vibrancy of our own village High Street.
  • Issues relating to hedges were again raised and one member of the public agreed to send a comprehensive list of the locations where hedges infringe the public footpaths etc to the Clerk. Cllr Weaver then agreed that this would be considered in relation to community safety. Matters regarding that hedge at the site of the former Catholic Church would be immediately referred to Highways.
  • Land at Chester Road and the outline planning application for 30 dwellings was raised, with particular concern that the dates for submissions varied. The PC will discuss this application at their next planning meeting and submit their collective view to CWaC. Our Ward Councillor raised the possibility that this site should be reviewed, in the context of our Neighbourhood Plan, as an area of potential open space.
  • In attendance were both the Chair and the Vice Chair of the Governing Body of The Park School who stated that they wished to 'accurately' reflect the school's position in relation to the consultation process/fence. The Vice Chair stressed that the community had been consulted on the colour, the style and the potential future community usage of the fenced area at the 'drop in' held in July (CLICK HERE). For information, the statement previously issued by the school and the updated Frequently Asked Questions, can be found on the school website and have also been previously reported on Tattenhall Online (CLICK HERE) There continues to an impasse between the School on the one hand and the Parish Council and many residents of the local community on the other (acknowledging that some residents support the erection of the fence). The continuing disquiet in the locality was raised and the Parish Council will draft a letter in which they will express that they continue to be very disappointed that the consultation process has been less than adequate. The Chair stated that his letter will be placed in the public domain and published on the Parish Council Website in due course. It was noted that the School Website confirms that the fence will be erected before Christmas. Consideration of how the community might access this fenced space immediately thereafter was raised. The school fence was also Agenda item No. 12.

Other Agenda items related to the Community Safety Group. The outcomes were still 'confidential' at the request of Highways but Cllr Weaver did state that there would be community consultations regarding the data (eg speed limits etc) in due course.

It was confirmed by a member of the Playground Committee that bins were being separately funded and provided.

'The Roman Pottery' finds were discussed and there was general agreement that the artefacts should remain on the school site (particularly since they appear to support the view that the Roman settlement may have been more extensive than at first thought) but that they be housed (together with the previously found Roman coin) in a way which allows inclusivity and community accessibility.

The offensive graffiti which has appeared on the 'Pod' was regarded to be wholly unacceptable and it was agreed that this required immediate removal since events will take place in close proximity to this structure on Sunday i.e. Remembrance Sunday. Quite why individuals would wish to be behave in such a reckless manner and within such proximity to the churchyard shows scant regard for 'community'.

Updates and proposals on the replacement fencing required around the Spinney and Glebe Meadow were to be placed on the December Agenda.

Cllr Spencer reported on the Community Land Trust and stated that there will be a newsletter update in due course. He outlined the varying stages in the process from acquiring the land to obtaining planning approval and requested that the PC act on their behalf (a precedent having been previously set in relation to the original playground). This too would be on the December Agenda.

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