Earn up to £1400 before Christmas.
The electoral register is used to enable people to vote in both local and national elections. The Council has to carry out an annual check of all properties/households and produce an accurate and up to date Register of Electors each year.
We do this household check in stages. Firstly we post a form to all households in the borough followed up with additional postal reminders when we do not get a response.
To back up our postal system, we need to recruit people to chase up all outstanding responses and obtain information by carrying out door step enquiries. You must be able to work in the day/evenings and at weekends. You need to be able to use a tablet device, be organised, trustworthy and able to meet deadlines. Training and ongoing support will be given.
Applications need to be received by 7 September 2018.
CLICK HERE for application forms.
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