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Defibrillator Training at the Studio

10th November 2015 @ 6:06am – by David Thomson
Back home > News > Only 8.6% Survive Cardiac Arrest!
training heartstart

Learn how to use a defibrillator on Monday 16th November at the Studio

I recently attended one of the defibrillator training sessions run by our First Responders Group. It was an excellent way to learn how we might help when finding someone who appears to have suffered a cardiac arrest. As well as reminding us of the CPR process, we were given training on use of a defibrillator (several of which are located in our community now).

I was surprised at how few Tattenhall people have attended these sessions so far this year. They are held regularly.
Also shocked to be told that only 8.6% of people suffering an out of hospital cardiac arrest are likely to survive, compared with 20-25% in some other developed countries! Why? Because of lack of awareness of people as to action needed and low access to defibrillators in this country.
The vast majority of heart attack sufferers do not experience a cardiac arrest and they have a greater than 90% likelihood to survive.
Next courses are on Monday 16th November. Please contact Rob on 01829 770586 or Jill on 01829 771895 to find out more and to book .

Please take up one of this opportunity !


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