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Tattenhall Amateur Dramatics Newsletter

8th February 2022 @ 6:06am – by TADs
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Hello Friends of Tattenhall Amateur Dramatics,

Welcome to the latest TADS newsletter with some very exciting news.......


Our first play since Covid is due to take place in the Barbour Institute on Thursday 31st March, Friday 1st April and Saturday 2nd April at 7.30pm.

'When We Are Married' is directed by Alison Pritchard-Dodd and is a fast-paced classic farce. Our cast are having a great time rehearsing and we do hope you will support this show, either by watching or helping as part of the crew.

Tickets will then go on general sale through the Ticketsource website on the 13th of February, click here to be redirected to the Ticketsource website.

Ticket Price £10 each, age suggestion over 16.

Tickets are limited to enable our audience to have more space.


Get ready to swing into action as we head into the jungle for a fun, energetic and captivating day of performance with TADS, as our Play-In-A-Day returns at last to the Barbour Institute on Sunday 20th February from 10am to 4pm, directed by TADS regular Aisling Swift.

We will be working on a 'Mini Musical' version of The Jungle Book. Children will spend the day acting, singing and dancing and putting together a brilliant performance for family and friends at the end of the day. Using a brand-new adaptation of this well-loved classic story, with catchy original songs plus 1 or 2 familiar songs thrown in too, it's a great day for the children to learn about theatre, bringing a script to life, music, performing, dancing and of course, have a great time. It's also a great chance for parents/ carers to meet some of the team and find out about getting involved – we are always looking for new members to act, help out backstage, help out on performance nights etc.

Anyone from the age of 7 to 18 can join us on the day, booking is essential and all participants must be a TADS member, annual family membership is £15.

For more info or to book a place, please email info@tattenhallamdram.com

Please bring a packed lunch, snacks and drinks will be provided.

We are so excited to be getting going again after these last two difficult years and we hope to see you all very soon.

lots of love
Alison, Chair of TADS


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