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Sandstone Ridge Trust Launches New Website in Celebration of the Sandstone Ridge

17th March 2017 @ 6:06am – by Sandstone Ridge Trust
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The Sandstone Ridge Trust has launched a new website celebrating Cheshire's Sandstone Ridge, which can be found at www.sandstoneridge.org.uk

The Sandstone Ridge is a special place, covering 22,000 hectares of rolling hills and sandstone escarpments that rise abruptly from the surrounding Plain. It offers panoramic and long-distance views over the Mersey Valley, Shropshire Hills, Pennines and Wales, as well as abundant wildlife and heritage experiences. It also provides a living for over 400 farmers, is the location for 1,000 businesses, and home for more than 25,000 people.

The website has been constructed as part of a Heritage Lottery funded project recently awarded to the Trust which is exploring the challenges and opportunities facing the Sandstone Ridge, and will be working with local communities to shape its long-term future for the benefit and enjoyment of future generations. The initiative is also being supported by Cheshire West and Chester Council.

Featuring landscape, archaeological and wildlife information gathered over the past twenty years, the website will encourage local people and visitors to 'get out and experience' Cheshire's most attractive landscape feature at first hand. A further aim of the website is to inspire the communities living and working on the Ridge to come together and pool their knowledge and talents and help conserve this special landscape and improve our understanding and enjoyment of it.

Commenting on the launch, Chair of Trustees, Andrew Hull, said: "I'm delighted to announce the launch of the new website which will showcase the Sandstone Ridge and be of tremendous value to local residents and visitors alike who want to find out more about this special place and what they can do to help conserve it for the benefit of current and future generations."

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