Cheshire West and Chester Council's Libraries Service is excited to be taking part in this year's all-new digital Summer Reading Challenge which is organised by The Reading Agency.
The theme this year is 'Silly Squad' which will offer families a chance to have fun and encourages children to read anything that makes them happy.
The Challenge launches virtually on Friday 5 June and will run throughout the summer until September and children can take part for free.
The Challenge will be available on the Silly Squad website, through the Reading Agency Facebook page and through a special Cheshire West webpage, social media, webpages and e-lending. This will include details of online events and activities that will be taking place during the summer.
More information will be coming soon, including posts on Twitter @cwaclibraries and on Facebook @cwaclibrary . This will include lots of interesting items and activities for both adults and children such as competitions, online rhyme-times and story-times, book reviews, LEGO challenges, STEM and craft activities and much more.
Those children without online access will also be provided for through resources provided by the Reading Agency and locally.
National events include:
CLICK HERE for more information from CWaC.
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