The Open Forum was, as always, lively and informative. Questions were raised regarding ...
- The School and ongoing issues regarding the lack of correspondence and collaboration concerning 'The Fence'; the Chair confirmed that he had received a personal response from the Chair of the School Board but that this was a 'personal response' and could not, therefore, be viewed as representative. His understanding is that a Board Meeting has subsequently taken place but that he has received no further notification from the school seeking to engage on this issue.
- An additional Dog Fouling Bin was requested at the Keysbrook end of the village.
- A Petition regarding speeding on Tattenhall Road was submitted to the Parish Council to add weight to evidence in relation to speeding issues.
- Whilst an update was requested regarding Cllr Weaver's meeting with 'Highways', it was confirmed that this would be discussed in Part 2 of the meeting – CWaC had requested that this be 'Confidential'.
- The proposed development of 4 properties at Low Ridge on Burwardsley Road was raised and the Parish Council confirmed that draft comments would be available at the next Planning Meeting.
- Disquiet was raised regarding issues at the Redrow, Meadow Brook development (a sewage trench/a mound of soil). The seemingly unilateral behaviour of the developers who (in the eyes of some) appear to be riding roughshod over some members of the community was discussed.
- Similarly, the repeated destruction of the Grass Verge on Park Avenue by contractors' vehicles was again raised.
- Later in the meeting – the early morning parking/stacking of contractors' vehicles and vans on Park Avenue (presumably awaiting access etc) was also noted.
Specific Agenda Items can be viewed CLICK HERE and draft Minutes will appear within 10 working days. Suffice it to say ...
- It was reported that the Parish Council had received a 'clean bill of health' regarding the External Audit Annual Return.
- In relation to planning – a single storey extension at 3 Greenlands was approved; a statement in relation to the objection of outline permission for the residential development at land to the rear of 15-38 Greenlands was read out; and, because of subsidence to the property known as 'Steeplefield' on Church Bank, it was supported that the offending tree be felled and stumped out.
- The review of the Neighbourhood Plan was discussed and Cllr Weaver would be considering implications in discussion with DCLG/CWaC.
- The PC awaits the quotation for the temporary fencing of Glebe Meadow.
- The opening of the new Play Area was regarded to be a success. One or two snags on equipment require attention (specifically the noisy 'squeaks' from the swings). It was announced that £5000 of 106 monies remained available, and that consideration regarding its use be considered further.
- Cllr Chapman reported that The Community Land Trust had received very favourable comments regarding the recent housing survey – not only had businesses responded but +240 residential responses had been submitted. The contents are now being collated.
- In relation to 'Community Pride', the Parish Council wishes to highlight that details are listed in the Parish News but that stalls are available at the Christmas Market at a cost of £15. Please make contact with the Parish Council if you would like a stall at this December event.