Anger has been expressed by Tattenhall Parish Councillors at the proposed future loss of the parish's share of the New Homes Bonus. Tattenhall & District will receive £7332 this year, a sum which would be expected to rise as new houses are built in our parish. CWaC receives the amount of their average Band D Level council tax for each new home for 6 years from Central Government; currently 20% of this comes to Tattenhall & District for each of our new homes. Loss of this income would severely restrict support for projects such as the new play area, community projects, school parking, improved CCTV and more.
The Parish Council has sent a strongly worded response to CWaC's consultation request and would like to encourage all residents to do the same. A copy of the Parish Council's letter can be found HERE to provide further information. Please write as soon as possible to: Samantha Dixon, Leader of the Council, Cheshire West & Chester Council, HQ, Nicholas Street, Chester, CH1 2NP. email:
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