A constant 'Concern of the Week' in and around the village relates to 'Dog Poo'.
Whilst bins are strategically located throughout Tattenhall to accommodate this issue, there continues to be a significant problem, especially on the play areas, throughout Jubilee Wood and on the Flacca. Many dog walkers are responsible and clear up after their pets BUT any walk will soon confirm that, regrettably, there remain many offenders.
Sport Tattenhall has now erected green coloured signage around the Flacca giving information relating to 'Dog Control Orders' and the possible consequences if individuals fail to follow their guidance. One would hope that individuals are equally responsible as they enter Jubilee Wood; accessible from the Flacca at its lower boundary.
Failing to clear up after a pet is not only socially unacceptable it is a known health hazard. Toxacara, a roundworm which lives in dogs' intestines, has been well publicised. Although rare, the parasite can infect humans, especially children. Eggs are passed out in dog faeces, germinate on the ground after 10 to 21 days and, if ingested, can infect liver, lungs, eyes or brain. The problem can be entirely prevented by clearing up immediately and regularly de-worming (cats as well).
There are other potential hazards of pet fouling in open countryside and on pasture land. Hydatid disease of sheep is spread by dog faeces contaminating pasture. This is now a very rare disease in the UK and long may it remain so because it is particularly unpleasant if humans become infected. Neospora, a tiny single cell organism, is spreading in the UK. Infection causes abortion in cattle and can be spread by dogs.
So, with the half term holiday upon us and the continuation of wonderful autumn weather, we urge everyone to be more savvy relating to this issue when out walking with their pets.
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