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Christmas Home Security

19th December 2019 @ 6:06am – by PCSO Jon Hurst
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Step Up Home Security over the Christmas Period


Unfortunately, while we are in the mood for giving and receiving, somebody is in the mood for taking. "Taking," is definitely on the home burglar's mind as he or she views the holiday season through different eyes. Christmas is a magical time of year when family and friends come together to celebrate the season. To help preserve your special times and thwart intruders.

Christmas Home Security Check List

  • Do not display your Christmas tree and gifts in the front window. This is an invitation for burglars to check out the inventory.
  • If you must place your tree in front of the window, make sure that you don't display gifts under it until closer to Christmas.
  • Do not hide door keys under mats. The first place a burglar will look for a house key is under a mat. Rocks, flower pots and door ledges are next on a burglars search list, so don't get caught being security complacent.
  • If you must leave a key for emergency purposes make sure that you leave it with a trusted friend or neighbour.
  • Christmas tends to bring out the handyman in some of us. Don't get caught feeding an extension through a locking window and jeopardizing your home's security.
  • If you must, install outside electrical outlets for your outside lights and decorative Christmas fixtures.
  • Make sure that you lock all windows and doors, even if just leaving your home for a few minutes. Intruders only need a few seconds to ruin your day.
  • Don't give information on answering machines. It is best just to say that you are busy at the moment and to leave your name and number and you will return the call.
  • If you can, call forward your home phone number to your mobile or neighbour for the duration of your absence.
  • Keep your curtains or window blinds closed at night. When going out for the evening make use of inexpensive timers to give the illusion of occupancy.
  • Do not let newspapers pile up on your front door step. Try to keep the front door area swept and clean. Messy front door entrances can give the wrong message to a burglar.
  • Conceal all gift boxes after Christmas, so as not to alert burglars. Make sure that you cut up all boxes and place them in solid plastic bags for waste collection.
  • Make sure that you have target hardened your home by installing the proper hardware – hardware like deadbolts, strike plates, window locks, door hinges, door viewers, and even alarm systems.

Message Sent By
Jon Hurst (Police, PCSO, Chester LPU Rural & Frodsham PCSO)

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