The Broxton Barn Owl Group, set up in the mid nineties, aims to increase the population of this iconic bird in West Cheshire by providing nest boxes and giving talks to children and interested organizations. It also advises farmers on measures they can take to encourage successful breeding and survival.
The Group rings chicks (and any adult birds found), and provides this information to The British Trust for Ornithology who can then monitor the population country-wide.
In 2015 some 62 chicks were ringed, and follows a bumper year in 2014 when 180 chicks were ringed. However, in 2013 only 13 chicks were ringed which highlights their dependence on the weather, and the cyclical nature of their favoured prey – short-tailed field voles.
If you wish to report a sighting, or would like further information on the Group, click here to visit our website (
We are currently upgrading the three nest cameras featured on the website, and expect to have these operational before this year's breeding season.
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