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Brian Jarrard Memorial Walk

23rd July 2019 @ 6:06am – by Mike Reece
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I've done it. Yes, I've done it. Done, dusted, over, and out!! Finished -- The Sandstone Trail.
And I am chuffed!!
I finished at Grindley Brook about 3.00pm on Wednesday, 17th July. It only took me about 13 walking days!!
And I did NOT fall over on the last day, having fallen over on most others!
We started the last day accompanied by my coach, John Bigland, who has guided me all the way through this event, Anne & David Thompson, both very experienced walkers, and Liz, lovely Liz, a friend of John's, who lives in The New Village, and is 82 years old. What a walker. I just could not keep up!!
I have discovered it is hard work across fields, even when dry, but far
worse when wet. It felt as though there were about a dozen styles on this last lap, but I managed, by just getting my leg over, all of them. It was quite a major operation.
Our original target was The Willeymore Lock. WE made it. About 3 miles. And who was there to greet me? Dangerous Derek, my old neighbour from Church Bank, standing there like The Rock of Gibraltar, but good to see.
Needing sustenance, we partook of a couple of beers. Then someone suggested it was not far to the end!!
Not far, in walkers terms, is a flipping long way!! Grindley Brook! Only about 2 miles, along the canal.
Easy. Easy for whom?!!
However, I was bullied and cajoled into having "a go". The motoring side seemed to become very tricky. Fortunately, I was not driving, but Anne and David worked some miracle and we met them half way to Grindley Brook -- coming towards us. Spooky!!
But we did it, and sat for just those few moments of joy and relief.
And some
said I would not make it!!
To caste some sugar on to the end of the walk, we stopped off at The Cholmondoley Arms for yet another break. John disappeared for a moment, then came walking in with a bottle of (very expensive) champagne. Wonderful.
But I could not have this. I felt I had to "do my bit". So I offered to buy lunch.
Two bowls of chips with a tomato sauce dip, AND a mayonnaise dip, hit the button!
Champagne and chips for lunch. Class!!
So it's all over. We have collected over £1,000.00 for Brian. A wonderful sum. How proud Margaret, his sister, must be -- that Brian commanded such popularity.
We will let it be known as soon as possible how the fund will be spent.

Finally, I want to thank EVERYONE for their support, in whatever way. It has been an exhilarating experience for me and I am grateful to all who have shown such kindness and interest. It goes without saying those who walked with me were special.
But there was no one like Biggy!

Mike, Well done from all of us at Tattenhall Online.

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