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Ashley Wall Appeal dismissed to build 30 Dwellings on land to rear of Greenlands

13th December 2018 @ 6:06am – by Friends of Tattenhall
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The Tattenhall Road 'Ashley Wall Appeal' has been dismissed (3 December).

The outline application for 30 dwellings west of Tattenhall Road (ie on land to the rear of 15-38 Greenlands) was originally refused by the CWAC Planning Officer.

The developer then appealed to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol. The Inspector (appointed by the Secretary of State) has now dismissed this Appeal in very strong terms.

The many adverse impacts highlighted in his Report, including landscape issues, were in line with the objections submitted by both the Parish Council and Friends of Tattenhall. The full Appeal Decision Document should be available on the CWAC Website.

There is an irony in all of this ... when an Inspector is so definite in his refusal of an application, it is hard to reconcile how the CWAC Planning Officer granted permission (so readily) for the broadly similar 'Barratt Homes' scheme off the Chester Road.

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