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'Tattenhall Online Photographer of the Year 2016' Competition

5th February 2016 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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yellow courgettes at allotmentsbugs hotel at the allotmentsgeorge 421lampost glorymarch eclipse flacca

Our Home Page makes a bold statement 'The Beautiful Village of Tattenhall'.

We know this to be true but we want to 'showcase' this special place to all those who view our Website from near and far.

With this in mind, we are launching our 'Tattenhall Online Photographer of the Year 2016' competition with some terrific prizes to be won.

The Terms of the Competition
1. From this month (and every month between February-November 2016), we ask you to send in a spectacular photograph that you may have taken of Tattenhall, together with your name, contact number and a brief description of the photograph.
2. Members of the Website Photographic Committee will select what they consider to be the 'Top 3' photographs each month and from these, that photograph which they consider to be the outright monthly winner e.g. 'February Photo of the Month'.
3. These photographs will be displayed on our Website monthly and will also be included in a photographic gallery.
4. At the end of November, therefore, there will be a bank of the best 30 photographs taken throughout the year and those that the Website Photographic Committee consider to be the 'Top 10' for 2016.
5. In the month of December, our '1st', '2nd' and '3rd' Prizes will be awarded to those individuals who are considered by the Website Photographic Committee to have submitted quite the best 3 photographs of the year.
6. No members of the Webteam shall be allowed to submit entries.

1. Each month (February-November inclusive), the outright monthly winner will receive a £20 Voucher to spend on the High Street.
2. During the month of December, the winners will be announced in reverse order during the first 3 weeks of the month i.e. on 7 December we will announce our 3rd Prize winner; on 14 December we will announce our 2nd Prize winner and on 21 December (just in time for Christmas) we will announce our 1st Prize '2016 Photographer of the Year'.

We should like to thank our fantastic local business Sponsors:
1. Thom Morton of Spar, in providing a £20 voucher to each monthly winner, to be spent in store on the High Street. Thom has also pledged a stunning hamper for the overall 'Tattenhall Online Photographer of the Year 2016' in December.
2. Alison Pritchard of Alison's Kitchen in providing a Christmas Voucher to be spent in the coffee shop, a large Christmas Cake and a batch of delicious homemade Mince Pies to take all the worry out of your Christmas 2016 preparations.
3. Whilst, Jamie Bunce, Managing Director of Inspired Villages, has pledged the necessary 'bubbly' to give your 2016 Christmas Celebrations an absolute fizz.

So, you 'wannabe photographers of the year' – start submitting your entries to us and let the competition begin.
We include a selection of photographs which have already appeared on the Website to put you in the mood (just click on each to enlarge)!

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