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U3A Walk – 28 September

22nd September 2017 @ 6:06am – by Jill Hughes
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Here are the U3A details regarding our long walk this Thursday, 28 September.

On this occasion, please reply directly to Carol, her email address is carol@hornby01.plus.com her phone is 01829 771242. Please let Carol know if you can go, and where you will meet – this is important in case of a change of plan because of poor weather.

The walk is at Welshampton Wander in Shropshire and is 8 miles in length. There are 3 lakes, kissing gates, a canal tunnel, slightly overgrown in places, fairly fresh cowpats but no visible cattle and one of the prettiest views locally.

Bring a picnic for lunch by Colemere and if anyone wishes to do so, there is a coffee shop at the Boathouse at the end.

For those who have not walked this before, it is mostly flat with only one or two slight rises.

Meet Alison's by 9.10am or at the carpark in Ellesmere for 10am.
Route is A41 to Whitchurch, right at first roundabout, right at 2nd roundabout signed for Wrexham A525 and then left after about 3/4 mile to Ellesmere A495. At T junction in Ellesmere turn right and park in pay and display carpark on left by the pedestrian crossing just as you enter.

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