As long ago as 1 June, Thom Morton decided that Spar Tattenhall would attempt to reduce the 3000 plastic bags issued every single week in store and that the monies raised from the 5p charge for single use plastic bags would be put to good use within the village; particularly environmental causes.
Following a period of consultation, 'Tattenhallers' voted that 'TWiG' should be the designated group that would benefit from Thom's voluntary actions. That 'Tattenhallers' were actually using 3000 plastic bags every week seems almost impossible to believe.
And so it was that at TWiG's AGM held in the Barbour Institute last Wednesday, Spar Tattenhall Store Manager 'Lloyd' presented our local wildlife group with their first cheque for £731.72; monies which had been raised from the 5p charge introduced 3 months ago.
For those mathematicians amongst us and after the deduction of reasonable costs on the part of Spar Tattenhall, our village has reduced its use of plastic bags by 50%. This is a terrific outcome but there is still much to be done to create a society free of plastic bags – keep up the good work!
Thanking Lloyd for the cheque, Andrew Hull, Chair of TWiG, said that 'the money would be used to support conservation work in the Parish including work in Jubilee Wood, the new Flacca Wetland and Glebe Meadow. Apart from the direct benefit to local wildlife, the reduction in plastic bag use is a small but significant contribution to the six billion fewer plastic bags taken home by shoppers in England. He thanked Spar Tattenhall and particularly Thom Morton, for their voluntary commitment to this Defra initiative'.
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