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Transition Tattenhall Update

17th February 2022 @ 6:06am – by Transition Tattenhall
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Transition Tattenhall

You may have seen previous articles about Transition Tattenhallor attended their Roadshows, which were held in the village last year. Below is a summary of their latest report. If you want to join those who have are already involved please send an email through the contact page on our website:

or to read the report in full follow the link at the bottom of the article.

Transition Tattenhallcame into being in late 2020 as a group of like-minded people who were interested in exploring how Tattenhall could become a stronger and more resilient community in the years ahead.

Through a series of roadshows we began talking to other residents to gather views on what people liked about the village, what they were less keen on and what ideas and actions they would like to see taken forward in the near and medium term. We have also been listening and learning from other communities who have been travelling in the same direction for rather longer.

Our roadshows culminated in an 'Engagement Day' held at the Barbour Institute in October 2021 designed to gather together interested people to discuss ideas and to come up with potential projects which the group believed could be taken forward. The major themes running through the discussions can be summarised under the headings:

  • Reducing Consumption
  • Biodiversity
  • Community Resilience
  • Carbon Neutrality

Transition Tattenhallis now in the process of registering as a Community Interest Company which, amongst other things, will help gain access to a greater range of funding opportunities. At the same time Transition Tattenhall will liaise with other Tattenhall organisations to make sure that lines of communication are clear and that energies and knowhow are used for the greatest possible benefit to the community as a whole.

Potential early stage projects

  • Mini wildflower meadows across Tattenhall
  • Community repair and training facility
  • A biodiversity plan for the whole parish
  • Establish a strong relationship with the school and the younger generation
  • Establishment of an Transition EcoHub
  • Campaign for better binning and recycling
  • Exploring options for reducing cost and extending hours of public transport

To read the full report and find out more and how to join contact the website at
https://transitiontattenhall.co.uk /report-on-activities-august-2020-december-2021


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