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Tattenhall Music Society Concert

1st March 2017 @ 7:07am – by Tattenhall Music Society
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Concert Sunday, 12 March 2017 at 6.30pm in the Parish Church of St. Alban, Tattenhall.

The Music Society returns to St. Alban's Church Tattenhall after a triumphant evening at the Barbour Institute on 12 February.

Roberto Carillo-Garcia brought a group of musical friends (including Paul Barritt, Leader of the Hallé Orchestra) to Tattenhall and to be there was to experience an amazing evening of Latin music. It was one of the most exciting and spellbinding concerts of the season.

The next concert brings two talented students of the Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM), German Martinez Merino, clarinet and Andres Yauri Andoquia, bassoon to St. Alban's and they will be accompanied by the accomplished pianist, Benjamin Powell.

Tickets are £10 for non-members and £8 for members and are available from Tattenhall News and Tattenhall Post Office or you can just pay at the door.

It is the last concert of this season but put 18 June into your diaries as it will be the Ken Griffin Flute Prize which remembers Ken as the founding member of Tattenhall Music Society with a competition for flautists from the RNCM.

If you require any further information contact Anne McGrath 01829 770932.

march poster

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