The next meeting of the Gardening Society will take place at the Barbour Institute on Wednesday 13 April at 7.45pm.
The speaker will be Jack Willgoss, from Wildegoose Nursery at Munslow in Shropshire. He will be talking about 'The World of Violas'. According to the website (, Jack and Laura Crowe have over 150 viola varieties in their collection, both old favourites and new introductions. They have developed their extensive range and are clearly passionate about this type of plant, exhibiting at horticultural shows, including Gold Medals at RHS Malvern, Silver at Chelsea, giving talks, running the Nursery and an on-line sales store.
Sounds as though it will be a fascinating evening. There will also be plants available on the night to purchase. Visitors are always welcome.
In addition make a calendar note about the Annual Plant Sale, this year to be held on Saturday 14th May from 11.00am at The Barbour. Please do come along, as there will be something there to help add colour to your garden, as well as gardening advice from Club Members.
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