If you have borrowed money from a loan shark, you have not broken the law – they have. If you are worried about this, talk to a debt advisor or call the confidential number below.
Remember loan sharks often:
-Offer you a cash loan but do not give you any paperwork
-Take your benefit or bank cards as security on the loan
-Don't tell you when you will finish paying
-Increase the amount you owe even if you are making regular payments
-Threaten or use violence to get money from you
If you think you may have borrowed from a loan shark, call the England Illegal Lending Team hotline and talk to them in complete confidence.
They can discuss with you any worries you may have and listen, give information and offer advice on your particular situation. They help people make sense of what is happening to them and will explain to you the choices you can make and help you to take back control from the loan shark.
Call on: 0300 5552222
Text: 07860022116 with your message
Email: reportloanshark@stoploansharks.gov.uk
CLICK HERE to Report a loan shark online.
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