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PC PR Comment

27th December 2016 @ 6:06am – by Pat Black
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A quick 'Parish Council Public Relations Comment' (PC PR Comment) for Christmas and into the New Year.

We are delighted with the feedback that you have provided regarding this new addition to Tattenhall Online and we will aim to publish a monthly Council 'round up' of the community work and projects in which our Councillors are involved throughout 2017.

Without hesitation, Tattenhall Parish Council would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS and to thank everyone in the community for their support and input during the last 12 months. It is terrific to see more people attending our monthly Parish Council Meetings, understanding the responsibilities of the Councillors and supporting us in everything that we plan for the community.

On that note, it was terrific to see the tremendous support for the two Christmas parties that the Parish Council organised for all local children aged 11 years and under. More than 150 youngsters came along and enjoyed 'Freddie Fantastic's Show', which had the children laughing out loud as he went through his paces. By special arrangement, Father Christmas also flew in to distribute gifts to everyone!

Most Councillors were involved in some way with the Christmas parties, whether in wrapping the 150 gifts (a challenge in itself), erecting the gazebos and installing the lights for the Hog Roast and Mulled Wine, or actually being involved with the parties within the Barbour Institute. There was also support from the community in decorating the Hall, serving the Mulled Wine and leading the Carol Singing – for that we thank you.

The Hog Roast proved hugely popular and the Mulled Wine provided a welcome source of warmth as the evening progressed and the cold set in.

Although the evening was foggy, quite a number of people came along to sing Carols around the Christmas tree at Millfield; the highlight for everyone was 'Away in a Manger' sung by some of our primary school children, who also performed a song they had learned in school to the delight of all in attendance (was a there a dry eye in the audience you ask)!

Whilst Tattenhall Parish Council budgets each year to provide these events, your praise, positive comments and thanks are very much appreciated.

Merry Christmas to everyone in the community and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

We include an image taken from one of the Christmas Parties – since parents were in attendance and since children's faces are not shown (rather they are totally preoccupied with Freddie Fantastic), we feel we have complied with safeguarding issues.

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