Our new 'Home Page' is live!
During January 2017 we witnessed a record number of visitors to 'Tattenhall Online', with an average of +400 visitors per day.
Reluctant to stand still, and as a direct result of your enthusiastic responses to our most recent questionnaire, we have now re-worked our 'Home Page' to include your very positive suggestions, together with a variety of improvements to the functionalities.
Our new 'Home Page', in line with your suggestions, is now less text-heavy, is easier to navigate and allows you to access older news more quickly. We include a screenshot to the right.
We are very keen to showcase our beautiful village and our 'Banner' includes some fantastic local photographs taken by a variety of individuals. These are likely to be refreshed monthly as we build up a stock of splendid images in line with the seasonal changes.
'Transport', which is a firm favourite and which has a wealth of very useful information on trains, planes, buses, roads and much more, is now on the tool bar at the top of the page.
'Weather', on the other hand, which provides a 5-day forecast as well as a weather log, is found by clicking on the 'Weather' icon which is now located at the top of the 'Home Page' (immediately to the right of our title).
One of our Editors will now be responsible for ensuring that the 'Editorial Picks' section keeps some stories uppermost in your mindset since some of you commented that questionnaire deadlines and consultation processes, for example, were rolling off the 'Home Page' rather too quickly. We have also included a quick and efficient way to access old stories – see the 'Menu Selection' which is now available at the base of Latest News.
Some features, such as 'Local History', 'Interactive Map', 'Parish Magazine' and 'Puzzles', have been moved to the bottom of our new 'Home Page'. You will also find details of our businesses, clubs and societies, services and matters relating to our Parish Council here too.
We hope that, once you've got used to the changes, you will find them an improvement and we thank you for your continued support and input.
Do let us know what you think.
Tattenhall Online is powered by our active community.
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