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'July Entry' Online Photographic Competititon

29th July 2016 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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Well, the last day of July has been and gone in relation to our final online photographic entries for the monthly £20 voucher prize to be spent at the Spar store in Tattenhall (courtesy of Thom Morton).

Wildlife continues to be a popular theme.

We include an image of a Male Chaffinch, taken at the Marina.

A reminder of our principal Terms and Conditions:
1. Send in a photograph that you have taken of Tattenhall, together with your name, contact number and a brief description of the photograph.
2. Members of the Website Photographic Committee will select that photograph which they consider to be the outright monthly winner e.g. 'March Photo of the Month'.
6. No members of the Webteam shall be allowed to submit entries.
1. Each month, the outright winner will receive a £20 Voucher donated by Thom Morton to be spent at Spar.
2. During the month of December, winners will be announced in reverse order during the first 3 weeks of the month i.e. on 7 December we will announce our 3rd Prize winner; on 14 December we will announce our 2nd Prize winner and on 21 December (just in time for Christmas) we will announce our 1st Prize '2016 Tattenhall Online Photographer of the Year'.

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