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Help us avoid a hosepipe ban

2nd July 2018 @ 6:06am – by United Utilities
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The hot weather means we're seeing a massive increase in water consumption across our area.
We urgently need your help and support to avoid a hosepipe ban. You can help us by turning off your garden sprinklers, not using your hosepipes, not washing your car and taking shorter showers and not baths this weekend. The demand is so high, particularly during peak times, that we are struggling to get enough water around the system quick enough. If we can all do our bit this will reduce the risk of lower water pressure or no water at all. Thank you, we really appreciate your help.

We're all enjoying this beautiful, warm weather but it also means we're using an incredible amount of water compared to our usual demand. This week we've seen record levels of demand with an additional half a billion litres being delivered to customers every day. With the hot and dry weather set to continue for the next few weeks, we're asking our customers to help by using water carefully around the garden and home – if possible, please try not to use water outside in the garden while it remains hot as we are all using so much more water.
Try these easy tips in the house and garden and see how much water you can save.

Spend one minute less in the shower
If each member of a family of four spent one minute less in the shower they could save approximately 36 litres of water a day!
Use a washing up bowl
Instead of letting the tap run for longer than it needs to, use a washing up bowl – you can reduce wasted water by up to 50%! Even better, use your dishwasher, you'll save yourself a job and often they use less water than washing dishes by hand – remember to do a full load each time.
Turn off the tap
Turning off the tap while brushing your teeth saves a massive six litres of water per minute! For a family of four that could be up to 48 litres a day.
Boil only what you need
People often overfill the kettle when they make a cuppa, think about it next time you make one just for yourself, and make your mantra: 'boil only what you need'.

Ditch the hosepipe
Hosepipes use hundreds of litres of water an hour. Use a watering can for your plants, and a bucket and sponge for your car, and you'll be doing the environment a good turn.
Water out of hours
Water your garden in the early morning or late evening, when less water is lost through evaporation.
Use mulch for moisture
Add a layer of mulch (eg bark chips, manure) over your soil to retain moisture and keep weeds at bay.
Choose less thirsty plants
Try planting drought-resistant plants, such as geraniums. They look great, and require a lot less water, and not watering them as often means you can save time too!
Buy a butt
A water butt collects the rain from your roof, so you can give your plants a drink.

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