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Have you seen it Yet? It's Back!

26th February 2021 @ 6:06am – by TWiG
Back home > News > Signs of Spring!

During this very week in both 2019 and 2020, frog spawn was spotted here in Tattenhall and on the Sandstone Ridge.

That said, TWiG (Tattenhall Wildlife Group) has just reported the first sighting locally – just 3 days later than last year.

Perhaps the 'Beast from the East 2' delayed this reassuring sign of spring.

If you haven't yet seen it, you will probably hear the frogs – they make such a noise during the mating season!

Look out for large clumps of eggs which will be clearly visible in your garden ponds. Whilst this might seem excessive, it ensures that some spawn survives, and that some of the tadpoles might actually become froglets.

It is estimated that only 1/50 of the eggs laid will actually make it to froglet stage.

Regrettably, the impact of some modern agricultural practices, the loss of ponds and increases in amphibian disease mean that our native frog is no longer that 'common'.

Just a polite request – whilst out and about today in the glorious sunshine, it was shocking to see how much litter is across the fields – empty beer cans, plastic bottles, crisp packets and even sausage roll wrappings! Please respect the countryside and take your litter home with you.

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