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Hallowe'en – enjoy and be safe

15th October 2016 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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Cheshire Police and Cheshire Fire have joined forces to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable Hallowe'en.

Cheshire Police advise "It is important that everybody respects their local community and residents who do not wish to be disturbed by trick or treaters. If you see a clear sign which states 'No trick or treaters', or no pumpkins or other decorations, please respect that person inside by not knocking on their door. If there is no response at all, please accept that they do not wish to participate and move on to the next house"

Cheshire Fire Service advise "We want to remind parents that some children's hallowe'en costumes can be extremely flammable, there have been some horrific accidents in recent years. Check the labelling in any costumes you buy and tell children to take care when near an open flame. Also, consider using LED lights in pumpkins instead of candles"

Help to make this spooky time safe and enjoyable for everyone.

To see full article CLICK HERE

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