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Everyone can do Something

2nd December 2015 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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Everyone can do something – Mother Teresa

If, like me, you've enjoyed watching the Christmas adverts recently, you may have shed a tear for the lonely 'Man on the Moon'. This advertisement is being used to raise awareness of charity 'Age UK' and it is suggesting we consider the loneliness of the elderly, particularly at Christmas.

Here in Tattenhall there are lots of things you can do to help – and they all cost a lot less than a new telescope!!

  • Morton's Spar already offer a home delivery service (on Fridays) to those who might find it difficult to carry a bag of spuds up the High Street. Otherwise, when you're going to the shops, ask if you can bring something back for your neighbour.
  • Opal Club (Older People Active Lives) are looking for volunteers to help out on a Tuesday morning, either by offering a lift or an extra pair of hands. Could you help?
  • Do something great with an extra plate. The 'Casserole Club' is an 'Age UK' backed community project, specially designed to connect people who like to cook with those individuals who aren't always able to cook for themselves. 'Casserole Club' volunteers share extra portions of home-cooked food once a week, once a month, or whenever works best for them.
  • You (or your kids) can sweep leaves, shovel snow (if the temperature takes a nose dive), put out or bring in bins on bin day.
  • Call in on your neighbour, just to say hello.

So at this busy time of year, can you find time to help someone else?

To visit the Friends of the Elderly website click here.

For more information on the Casserole Club click here.

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