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Dates for your new 2016 Diaries

28th December 2015 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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You must surely have received a new diary or calendar in your Christmas Stocking and even if you didn't you will be rushing out to buy a new one in the coming days.

So, when you get a quiet moment before the festivities of the New Year, we thought that you might just like to enter some of the following into the pages of 2016! We will obviously publish more information nearer to each event.

In date order ....

Don't forget to fill in the e-petition regarding the 'Loss of New Homes Bonus' by 9 January – residents can use the following link (CLICK HERE) and register to sign. Registration is required but the process is very quick.

The Studio has a multiplicity of workshops which also begin on 9 January – Jill is your first point of contact on 01829 771895.

Tattenhall First Responders is holding a Recruitment Day on 16 January 2016 10am-3pm in the Barbour Institute.

Also on 16 January at the Barbour Institute is the Tattenhall Community Land Trust (TCLT) Launch - pop down between 11am-4.00pm.

Our M.P for Eddisbury , Antoinette Sandbach, visits Tattenhall on Friday 15 January to speak to the Tattenhall Business Club at the Flacca; if you're interested in coming along do make contact; the detils are in our Directory

Tattenhall Amateur Dramatics celebrates 20 years with its annual Pantomime 'Beauty and the Beast' – this is being performed on 28, 29 and 30 January – tickets are available from 5 January at Complement

The Defibrillator and Heartstart Training Sessions start again on 27 February (more details to follow).

We await the Home Fires Season 2 release date; we will advise you directly we know since it is sure to please us all with entire sections being filmed in the Barbour Institute and on Church Bank.

The Tattenhall Ball is an early summer highlight for some of you – 21 May 2016.

The Garden Trail will be held in 'flaming June' (fingers crossed) between 4-5 June.

CarFest North is also guaranteed to please many in our community and will be held between 29-31 July 2016.

Just some early dates for those new diaries!

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