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BP Rowton – the Ultimate mistake

15th March 2019 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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Many residents of Tattenhall and people who come to work in and around Tattehall are likely to fill up from time to time at the BP garage in Rowton.

A member of our webteam visited that garage last week and midway through filling realised that the pump was charging him 135.9p a litre for Unleaded rather than 119.9p. It dawned on him that he was filling up with BP's Premium petrol – Ultimate- rather than his usual Basic.

Many of us may have made the same mistake. But he then realised that a fellow – Tattenhaller was making exactly the same mistake at the next pump. The shop attendant told us both that it happens all the time and that he was passing on the complaints to Head Office on a daily basis.

So if you visit BP Rowton make sure that you don't make the same 'Ultimate' mistake.

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