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Audition News for 2017!

7th December 2016 @ 7:07am – by TADs
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Ready to kick-start Tattenhall Amateur Dramatics performances for 2017 –

the auditions for Ladies Day directed by Alison Pritchard will be on MONDAY 12th DECEMBER at 7.00pm at the Coffee Shop.

Production dates are 9th, 10th and 11th March 2017. Rehearsals will start the first week in January and will be on a Wednesday evening.

This is a very funny play with a cast of 4 ladies (age range 30 to 60ish!) and up to 6 men although the play is written so that the men take more than one part.

This really will be a great show and lots of fun to be involved in, on stage and off!!

Please register your interest (07711464338 or alison@alisonpritchard.wanadoo.co.uk) and come along to auditions.

Please remember – you need to be a member of Tattenhall Amateur Dramatics Society to audition / get involved. Subscriptions details have been emailed to existing members – new members always welcome.
Subscription costs remain unchanged – single adult £6, family (2 adults, up to 3 children) £15. Bargain!

And remember the details for the Junior Play in a Day production (Sunday 29th January 2017) will now be circulated in the New Year. Keep checking the TADs Facebook page for up-to-date news or check Twitter @TattenhallTADs

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