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Armistice Centenary Poppies – 61 Poppies received from Tarporley

27th September 2018 @ 6:06am – by Ruth McPhillips
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Ruth McPhillips has written in to advise us that she has received a further delivery of 61 poppies for our Wall of Poppies Project, representing the '61 Fallen from Tarporley'.

They were all knitted by Jan Barnett who lives in that village.

You may recall that 'The Tarporley Fallen' hit the headlines back in March and that similar projects have captured the hearts of the nation.

Ruth said: We have had folks of all ages – school children to the very elderly – from all over our village of Tattenhall respond to the plea for more poppies.

All for different reasons.

Jan is not the only one in Cheshire (or even further afield) who has loved making the poppies and who has felt an empathy with what we are trying to achieve for our 11 November Centenary Anniversary of the Armistice.

If you have a story or wish to share why you knitted a poppy, then please let us know.

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