If you missed it here are some notes from the Flood meeting January 15th 2025 Barbour Institute.
The Barbour main hall was completely full as concern is very high about the flooding which has caused devastating flooding of property in the village and major disruption to business and to the school,
A panel consisting of – Johnny Kershaw and Anne Wright from the Parish Council, Mike Jones CWAC Councillor plus CWAC Flooding Management, The Environment agency, Highways and Highway engineers, Representative from Balfour/ Bolesworth Estate , a representative from the local MP.
At a previous Parish Council meeting a local farmer/councillor reported that a record of rainfall on his farm shows that there has been a huge increase in annual rainfall since the 80s-90s -to last year showed that rainfall had increased by 12 inches a year.
Main points from the meeting were:
1.Bolesworth is responsible for water courses and tenants for clearing ditches. Bolesworth are working with farmers ot have this done.
2.Culverts and drainage- are the responsibility of Highways.
3.Rocky Lane and BT Exchange – Much work has been done but there have been a number of issues – still ongoing work to clear culverts, dig ditches. also to look at building and embankment to edge road so heavy vehicles do not crush drains.
4.Castlefield flooded houses – allegedly due to Redrow not building a proper sustainable drainage pond , work has been carried out to rectify it. Unclear whether this has worked.
5.Keysbrook- Highways are looking at putting in a screen to catch debris from blocking culvert, but do not have funding for any major work on enlarging culvert.
6.Frog lane- number of issues- blocked victorian culverts, and flooded fields, there is ongoing work here .
7.Environment agency -Millbrook has leaky dams which flood fields and enlarge a safe flood plain- still looking at issues. Ditches need clearing but there is an issue re water voles! Monitoring system was installed by wall on the High street where the stream goes under the road providing the Environment Agency information about the height and flow of the brook.
8.Run off fromTattenhall Centre- engineers have looked into this and it is probably not the hard standing but run off from the fields above the centre. However there is a large sewage pipe which breaks into two and then becomes much smaller- not big enough to cope with heavy rain – hence sewage on road.- Talks will be held with Welsh Water.
9.Road gulleys cleaned every 2 years, but if problem areas- can be every 1 year, and can be ad hoc where there are problems.
10. Old Mill Place gardens suffering from high water table and water coming through sandstone rock wall. Survey done – no ingress from the dam, these houses were built at lowest point in village. Also the car park has a small pond seeping up from capped borehole owned by a private company. Possibility to put traffic bump at end of road to stop water flowing down into Mill place, also raising footpath that comes down from the Flacca to the Millfield , another survey will be carried out at end of the month.
10.Planning department has limited powers currently but developers and planners have to take into account changing climate and more rainfall, and any development should not add to drainage into water courses.
11.The council didn't know about the flood near the old railway line on Tattenhall road- this is a flash flood and doesn't affect any housing. They will look into this. The flood on Bolesworth Road was also not discussed.
121.Outcome of the meeting is that the Parish Council will take a lead in flood management/mitigation in village- working and co-ordinating with everyone who needs to be involved.
The main issue for residents of Tattenhall is that if you see a flood take a photograph and send it in to the CWAC report site or if urgent problem phone
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So See it – Say it – Sorted. Doesn't just apply to railways!
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